Monday, April 18, 2016

Food Food Food

I started the morning out good by having an english muffin: English Muffin. Click on the link and you'll see that it's not just any English muffin. It's a gluten free one with avocado and almond pepper jack cheese. It was so good! This is coming from a person who used to say that I could never give up dairy cheese. I think that the almond cheese has great consistency and you could hardly tell that it's vegan cheese. I don't think I could go back to regular cheese. Although gluten doesn't give me a really bad stomachache or affects my thyroid, we only have gluten free products at home because there are two people who can't have them here. Even though I don't suffer like they do, I certainly feel better when I don't have gluten. Also, the avocado gives a nice texture to it all. Loved my breakfast!

In other news, I finally watched a documentary called Earthlings. I want to eat more consciously and have that little push to just not talking about how we, as a nation, have over consumed food toward our own detriment and actually start to take personal action. The United States struggles more than other nations in the amount of cancer, obesity, and heart disease. In my head, I know this. In my daily routine, it's hard to make a new change toward that. So, that's why I watched Earthlings. I heard that it would be good and helpful. In addition to that, I read a quote that said something like, "People don't make changes because they focus on what they can't have instead of focusing on what they will have." Isn't that so true. How many times have I said, "I could never give up Korean BBQ, lumpia, cheese pizza"? Some people may say that's all great in moderation but...But what? I'm still fat so I need to make a better change because the moderation argument is just not working for me. Anyway, the Earthlings video was absolutely difficult to watch. It was so difficult to watch that I think I'm ready. Yes, I am ready to make a more natural diet for myself. I'm ready to learn more about cooking and eating better. I'm ready to share different food with friends and family. I am NOT ready to give up all my leather purses though. Hehe. The good thing is that although I'm not yet willing to give up the leather purses I already have, I am ready to stop buying new ones.

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