Friday, July 19, 2013

I did it!

For the first time in my life, I went on a long road trip and didn't stop at any fast food places. None whatsoever. Maybe for some people, this is an easy task but for someone who has ate convenience food for much of her adult life, it's a huge step for me. I should say "us" because my husband is on board with living a cleaner-fitter life and teaching our children to do the same is rather important.

Just when I was comfortable with all the local finds around town to support clean, fit, healthier, allergy free food (wheat and dairy), I move. I really loved how little old Bellingham, WA is known to be the third healthiest place in the United States. Healthy food was not just a drive away, it was literally, a hop, skip, walk, drive, here, there, every where kind of place. Of course, there was a lot of unhealthy, grease filled, artery clogging, obesity causing places but the healthy food was very much apparent.

Now, I sit typing at a hotel with a rather small kitchen in sunny San Diego knowing that I will have to wait another two weeks before I can move into the place I will call home. There are many challenges with trying to eat healthy. Some being all the delicious food that I encountered like Japanese, Korean and all the yummy restaurants! Delicious food like that isn't all that accessible without a long drive in Bellingham. Other challenges being that I didn't pack my blender so I can't make all the delicious fruit and vegetable smoothies I used to have. Being in transition is definitely difficult but I'm committed to make the right choices. I can do this! I-CAN-DO-THIS!